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Diastasis recti is a common condition in both men and women.  It frequently occurs when the abdominal muscles separate with weight gain, aging, or pregnancy.  

Diastasis Recti

What are the Symptoms?

◇   Discomfort

◇   Prolapsed tissue

◇   Bleeding

What Causes Hemorrhoids

◇   Chronic constipation or diarrhea 

◇   Low-fiber diet

◇   Prolonged sitting on the toilet 

◇   Pregnancy 

◇   Aging 

◇   Obesity 

Treatments offered at Southern Alberta Surgical

In general, diastasis recti is a non-surgical issue that can improve with carefully guided physiotherapy. Surgical options to repair this have historically resulted in high morbidity and failure rates.

As such, new therapeutic options such as  and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) have been developed to stimulate the involuntary muscles of the abdominal wall. Preliminary data has shown improvement of diastasis recti with EMS and physiotherapy combined versus physiotherapy alone.

At Southern Alberta Surgical Center, we have a team of surgeons who specialize in hernia and abdominal wall reconstruction who will assess these patients for EMS and InMode therapy.

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